The retail price of tomatoes has decreased to Rs 80-120 due to recent arrivals of fresh crops. Traders have noted that the new tomato crops are coming in from South India and parts of Maharashtra, and expect prices to further decrease in the next two weeks. The wholesale prices at Vashi market were Rs 50-60, according to APMC director Shankar Pingale.
On Saturday, the price of tomatoes ranged from Rs 80-120 per kilo in Andheri West and Byculla, Rs 100 in Khar Market, 100-120 in Bandra, and a higher rate of Rs 140 in Dadar-Matunga. A vegetable wholesaler from Borivli explained that while the majority of tomato arrivals were from Bengaluru, new tomatoes from other parts of Karnataka and Maharashtra have started to arrive. Once local produce becomes more abundant by the end of August, prices will decrease further.
A vendor in Khar Market, Raja Patil, reported that good quality tomatoes were sold for Rs 100 on Saturday. However, consumers are hoping for prices to return to the average cost of Rs 25-30.
Meanwhile, onion prices have slightly increased from Rs 28-30 to Rs 30-35, and garlic prices have reached an expensive Rs 360, up from Rs 260-280. A trader in Byculla stated that while the focus has been on tomatoes, garlic has become extremely costly.